


閣下於登記成為「紫飾閣」(www.purple-golds.com)會員或享用www.purple-golds.com之零售服務前,請先細閱本協議,以便了解我們的會員條款及條件。成為www.purple-golds.com 的會員或客戶後, 會員或客戶將可享用由www.purple-golds.com 分別提供予會員或客戶的零售服務。


The following are the terms and conditions with regard to your membership for services at www.purple-golds.com provided by “www.purple-golds.com". After Retailing to be a member of www.purple-golds.com, member can enjoy services, consisting of information services and contents respectively for the member , offered through the affiliated website from time to time by Purple-gold. Please read the following terms before you accept to be the member.

1. 詮釋

1 “會員”意指已註冊成為www.purple-golds.com 之會員。
2 “客戶” 意指已確認及成功申請www.purple-golds.com 所提供的零售服務之會員。
3 “會員服務”意指www.purple-golds.com 為會員提供的會員服務。
4 “零售服務”意指www.purple-golds.com 為會員提供的零售服務。
5 本會員或零售服務協議的標題只為方便購物,並不影響本會員或零售服務協議的闡釋。
6 在闡釋本會員或零售服務協議時,單數字眼具有複數含義,男性字眼具有女性及中性含義,個人字眼具有合夥公司、有限及無限公司含義。


1 “Member” means the registered member for Membership Services provided by www.purple-golds.com.
2 “Customer” means who successfully enrolled for the Retailing Services provided by www.purple-golds.com.
3 “Membership Services” means services provided for Member.
4 “Retailing Services” means retailing services provided for Customer.
5 The headings in this Membership or Retailing Agreement are for convenience only and shall not affect its interpretation. In this Membership or Retailing Agreement words importing the singular include the plural and vice versa, words importing gender or the neuter include both genders and the neuter and references to persons include partnership bodies corporate or unincorporate.

2. 接受條款

成為www.purple-golds.com會員或客戶後,會員或客戶必須遵守以本協議內的所有條款及條件。因此,如並未同意遵守會員或客戶條款,請勿進行會員登記。紫飾閣提供服務予會員或客戶之先決條件為會員或客戶必須接受本會員或客戶協議條款及條件的約束。而紫飾閣有權不時根據本協議條款6修改或修訂本協議條款的內容。 在完成會員申請及按 “我接受” 之按鍵後,即已表示閣下同意遵守本協議的條款及條件。


Once becoming Member or Customer of www.purple-golds.com, Member or Customer is bound by all the terms and conditions of this Membership Agreement (“the Terms and Conditions"). If Member or Customer does not agree to the Terms and Conditions, please do not register to become Member or Customer. Membership Services or Retailing Services are offered to Member or Customer conditional upon acceptance of all of the Terms and Conditions by Member or Customer. However, Purple-gold may in its own discretion and at any time modify or revise the Terms and Conditions pursuant to clause 5 herein. BY COMPLETING THE MEMBERSHIP REGISTRATION AND CLICKING THE “I Agree” BUTTON, YOU ARE INDICATING YOUR AGREEMENT TO BE BOUND BY ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS MEMBERSHIP OR RETEILING AGREEMENT.

3. 會員或訂閱服務簡介



Purple-gold shall provide Membership or Retailing Services respectively through its website, www.purple-golds.com to Member or Customer by way of internet or other electronic devices. Customer shall ensure and be solely responsible for obtaining and maintaining all telephone, computer hardware and other equipment or instruments needed for access to and use of Membership Services or Retailing Services and all charges and expenses related thereto. The right to use the Membership Services or Retailing Services is personal to Member or Customer.

4. 客戶繳付費用及其他責任 (只適用於客戶)

零售服務只供已付款客戶(個人或公司)作個人使用,不得轉讓別人或團體。要享用零售服務,客戶必須(一)繳付貨品標示費用;(二) 購買時必須提供正確及完整之個人資料;及(三)保持該個人資料正確及完整及在必要時更新該個人資料。


The Retailing Services is only available to the paid Customer who may be individual or corporate for personal use and shall not be transferable to other person or entity. In consideration of Purple-gold provision of Retailing Services, Customer agrees and undertakes (a) to pay the product charges ; (ii) to provide accurate and complete personal information as required by Purple-gold; and (c) to maintain the said personal information updated complete and accurate and if necessary to have the same updated. If Customer provides wrong, inaccurate, outdated, incomplete or misleading information or if Purple-gold has reason to suspect the same to be wrong, inaccurate, outdated, incomplete or misleading, Purple-gold has the right to refuse applications or to suspend or discontinue or terminate Retailing Services without notice or incurring any liability towards Customer or any persons and the paid service charges will not be refunded.
Customer shall also pay the said charges by credit card. Customer hereby authorizes Purple-gold to debit his credit card as provided by Customer at his initial subscription for settlement of the said charges which are due from time to time and agrees to complete or execute all necessary documents to effect such auto settlement. Customer also agrees all service charges or any part thereof paid shall not be refundable for any reasons whatsoever.
Online credit card payment transaction process by a third party online payment gateway independently, we guarantee absolute confidentiality of the information, please refer to the terms of use. As a result of third-party online payment gateway through payments incur any losses, we shall not be liable. Prior to the online payment service provider payment information, you have to read all the relevant terms and conditions. Any inquiries relating to credit card payment details, please contact the issuing bank itself.
To protect thebenifit of customers, payment must be made by the holders of credit cards.

5. 會員責任 (只適用於會員)



As a condition of Member’s use of Member Services, Member agrees to provide correct, complete information of Member as required by Purple-gold and is under a duty to maintain and update the said personal information in order to ensure its accuracy completeness and update. If Member provides wrong, inaccurate, outdated, incomplete or misleading information or if Purple-gold has reason to suspect the same to be wrong, inaccurate, outdated, incomplete or misleading, Purple-gold has the right to refuse application for Membership Services or to suspend or discontinue or terminate the Membership Services without notice or incurring any liability towards Member or any persons.

6. 修改會員或零售條款

紫飾閣有權隨時修改會員或零售條款包括但不限於更改零售費用等。此類修改、增加或刪除條款項目於www.purple-golds.com或其他紫飾閣認為會員或客戶可知悉的通訊方式並以公布時即時生效。當會員或客戶繼續使用www.purple-golds.com的會員服務或零售服務時即代表會員或客戶(i) 已獲悉此修改、增加或刪除的條款; 及 (ii) 接受及同意遵守該更新或修訂。


Purple-gold may change amend or revise the Terms and Conditions from time to time including but not limited to amendment to the said charges. Such changes, additions or deletions shall be effective immediately upon the giving of notice by Purple-gold by whatever means that Purple-gold may think fit including but not limited to posting on www.purple-golds.com, or by any other communication means by which Member or Customer may have notice thereof. Any use of Membership Services or Retailing Services by Member or Customer after such notice shall be deemed to constitute acceptance by Member or Customer of such changes additions or deletions. Member’s or Customer’s continued use of Membership Services or Retailing Services constitutes affirmative : (i) acknowledgement by Member or Customer of the Terms and Conditions and its changes additions or deletions and (ii) agreement by Member or Customer to abide and be bound by the Terms and Conditions and its changes additions or deletions.

7. 更改暫停或終止會員或零售服務

1 改變、暫時停止及 /或終止會員服務或零售服務之全部或任何部份;
2 在任何時間暫停會員服務或零售服務之全部或任何部份以便進行系統維護、提升、測試及 /或修理;
3 若紫飾閣認為會員或客戶的行為違反本會員或零售協議的條款及條件,或認為在合適、適當或必須的情況下,紫飾閣可限制或暫停會員或客戶的部分或全部連接或使用會員服務或零售服務。
客戶確認紫飾閣在行使此條款的權利時不需向會員或客戶或第三者承擔任何責任,唯條款4, 5, 8-13 及15-17 及其他適用之條款在修訂、更改暫停或終止後仍有效。


Purple-gold may without giving any prior notice to Member or Customer :-
1 modify suspend and/or terminate any or all of Membership Services or Retailing Services;
2 deactivate any or all of Membership Services or Retailing Services in order to carry out system maintenance, upgrading testing and/or repairs;
3 restrict or suspend use and access by Member or Customer to any or all of the Membership Services or Retailing Services in the circumstances that Purple-gold is of opinion that Member or Customer has been in breach of any of the Terms and Conditions or such action is found by Purple-gold appropriate desirable or necessary.
Member or Customer acknowledges and agrees that Purple-gold shall not be liable to Member or Customer or any third party but Clauses 4, 5, 8-13 and 15-17 and other applicable Terms and Conditions shall survive the modification suspension or termination of Membership Services or Retailing Services.

8. 私隱政策

紫飾閣尊重會員及客戶之私隱。會員或客戶亦須同意及遵守「私隱政策」之條款方可成為www.purple-golds.com 之會員或客戶,請按此連結至「私隱政策」一頁 : (網址) 以閱讀有關條款。


It is Purple-gold’s policy to respect the privacy of its Customers and Members. Member or Customer must agree and abide by the terms and conditions of the Privacy Policy in order to become Member or Customer. For more information, please refer to the Purple-gold’s Privacy Policy Statement at: (website address).

9. 會員或訂戶代號、密碼及保安



Member or Customer must retain his Member or Customer Login Name and password for access to his account. Member or Customer is entirely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of his login name, password and any other information of his account. Member or Customer is also entirely responsible for any and all activities and conducts that occur under his account. Member or Customer may change his password at any time. Member or Customer agrees to immediately notify Purple-gold of any unauthorized use of his account or any other breach of security known to Member or Customer. For better security, Purple-gold highly recommends you to change your password regularly. If Member or Customer wants to change his contact e-mail, please click into “My Profile Setting” of www.purple-golds.com to update the “Contact E-mail” information.

10. 免責聲明、豁免條款

請會員或客戶按此連結至閱讀紫飾閣「免責聲明 、豁免條款」之條款一頁 : (網址)


For more information, please refer to the Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liabilities of Purple-gold at (website address).

11. 禁止轉讓或將會員服務或零售服務作商業用途

會員服務或零售服務只限會員或客戶個人服務。 會員服務或零售服務任何部分或會員服務或零售服務之使用或存取,除非紫飾閣事前書面許可,會員或客戶同意不進行複製、拷貝、出售、轉售或作任何商業目的之使用。紫飾閣有權毋須另行通知,即時終止提供服務予違反此項之會員或客戶。

Prohibition against transfer OR commercial use Of MEMBERSHIP SERVICES OR RETAILING SERVICES

Membership Services or Retailing Services are limited for personal use by Member or Customer. Save with the Purple-gold’s prior written consent, Member or Customer shall not copy duplicate transfer or assign or sell or make or cause commercial use of Membership Services or Retailing Services or the contents thereof. Purple-gold reserves the right to terminate this Membership or Retailing Agreement forthwith without notice should Member or Customer be in breach of this clause.

12. 會員或客戶操守

1 透過www.purple-golds.com之會員服務或零售服務進行問卷調查、比賽、傳銷、連鎖信件、廣告信函、濫發郵件或傳播任何含有商業性質之資訊;
2 誹謗、毀謗、騷擾、追蹤及威脅或侵犯他人法律賦予之權利例如私隱權及破壞聲譽;
3 製造及散播不適當、濫用、誹謗、侵犯他人、猥褻、不道德、種族及性別歧視或含有非法成份之資訊;
4 宣傳、銷售或買賣任何服務或貨品作非個人用途;
5 沒有他人的同意收集他人的個人資料及電郵地址;
6 偽造身份傳播訊息;
7 傳送或上載任何含有病毒、計時炸彈、有害或對他人構成干擾的程式;
8 傳送或上載任何違反知識產權、他人私隱或聲譽之資訊,及發放任何因法律或契約或信任關係得知而無權傳送、公開之資訊;
9 干擾或破壞聯繫提供服務的網絡,影響網絡的正常運作;
10 企圖以未經授權的身份使用服務、他人戶口、聯繫至伺服器的電腦或網絡;
11 干擾其他客戶或會員享用www.purple-golds.com提供的服務或其他人仕或團體享用類似的服務;及
12 竄改任何 www.purple-golds.com 所載之內容。


Member or Customer shall be solely responsible for the contents of his transmissions through the Membership Services or Retailing Services. Member or Customer represents and warrants to Purple-gold that Member or Customer will not use the Membership Services or Retailing Services for any purpose that is unlawful or improper and shall use Membership Services or Retailing Services in compliance with all applicable local and international laws rules and regulations.
Member or Customer agrees and undertakes not to do anything which is illegal or improper including but not limited to the following:-
1 use Membership Services or Retailing Services in connection with surveys, contests, pyramid schemes, chain letters, advertising promotion, junk email, spamming or any duplicative or unsolicited messages (commercial or otherwise);
2 defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten or otherwise violate the legal rights (such as rights of privacy and publicity) of others;
3 publish, distribute or disseminate any inappropriate, profane, defamatory, infringing, obscene, indecent race and sex discriminating or unlawful material or information;
4 advertise or offer to sell or buy any goods or services for any non-personal purpose;
5 collect personal information and email address of other persons, without their consent;
6 create a false identity for the purpose of misleading others as to the identity of the sender or the origin of a message;
7 transmit or upload any material that contains viruses, time bombs, or any other harmful or deleterious programs;
8 transmit or upload any material that contains software or other materials protected by intellectual property laws, rights of privacy or publicity or any other applicable law and transmit and send any material or information that was received as a result of any contracts or trust unless Member or Customer owns or controls the rights thereto or has received all necessary consents;
9 interfere with or disrupt networks connected to Membership Services or Retailing Services or violate the regulations, policies or procedures of such networks;
10 attempt to gain unauthorized access to Membership Service or Retailing Services, other accounts, computer systems or networks connected to Membership Services or Retailing Services, through password mining or any other means;
11 interfere with use and enjoyment of Membership Services or Retailing Services by Purple-gold’s other Customers or Members or another individual’s or entity’s use and enjoyment of similar services; and
12 amend change or edit any or all of the contents at www.purple-golds.com.
Purple-gold has the right without notice to immediately suspend or terminate Membership Services or Retailing Services should Member or Customer fail to conform any of the above terms.
Purple-gold has no obligation to monitor the services or activities at www.purple-golds.com or any user’s conducts thereof or retain the contents of any user session. However, Purple-gold reserves the right at all times to monitor, review, retain and / or disclose any information as necessary to comply with any applicable law, regulations legal process or relevant authorities’request.

13. 賠償條款

會員或客戶須負責及彌償紫飾閣、其母公司、附屬公司、聯繫公司、職員、代理人、員工、承辦商、聯名商戶或其他夥伴或任何有關人仕的一切因會員或客戶使用會員服務或零售服務、違反本協議條款或會員或客戶或其他人使用會員或客戶的電腦而侵犯其他人仕之知識產權或其他權利而招致任何人作出之申索、損失、賠償 (無論真實及間接的)、訴訟、裁決、訴訟費用及任何形式的責任或費用。


Member or Customer shall indemnify and hold Purple-gold, its parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, employees, contractors, advertisers or other persons or entities whosoever indemnified against any claims losses damages (actual and consequential), suits, judgments, litigation costs and liabilities or expenses whatsoever in nature made by any third party due to or arising out of Member’s or Customer’s use of Membership Services or Retailing Services, the violation of Terms and Conditions by Member or Customer, use of Member’s or Customer’s computer by Member or Customer or other persons resulting in infringement of any intellectual rights and other rights of any person or entity.

14. 消息通知

紫飾閣將透過電郵方式或透過www.purple-golds.com通知會員或客戶所有有關會員或客戶的事情。任何會員或客戶給予紫飾閣之通知必須以書面形式並以電郵或郵遞發出 。


Purple-gold may send emails or through www.purple-golds.com inform Member or Customer of all matters relating to Member or Customer. Notice to Purple-gold shall be in writing and shall be made by email or by post.

15. 知識產權保障之內容

1 會員或客戶必須認明由廣告贊助商、www.purple-golds.com 之廣告商、內容提供者經www.purple-golds.com所提供之內容,包括︰文字、檔案、音樂、聲音檔案、相片、影片、圖案或廣告內容只限會員或客戶於網上瀏覽,並受版權、商標、專利權或其他知識產權法例保障。會員或客戶下載受知識產權保障之內容只限私人或非商業用途,未經紫飾閣同意,不得翻印、複製、散播或製造由下載內容而衍生的作品
2 紫飾閣就會員或客戶經www.purple-golds.com 提交、張貼或陳列之內容不提出任何知識產權之擁有權或控制權。會員或客戶保證有權或授權可提交、張貼或陳列之內容 (包括資訊、資料、文字、軟件、音樂、音訊、照片、圖形、視訊、信息或其他資料(“內容”)予www.purple-golds.com。 會員或客戶或第三者 (如適用)保留經www.purple-golds.com提交、張貼或陳列內容的知識產權,並需自行負責保障該知識產權之利益。另會員或客戶經www.purple-golds.com提交、張貼或陳列之內容而引致其他客戶或會員得到享用則被視為該會員或客戶授予紫飾閣全球性、非唯一、免責之許可複製、刊登發放該內容。紫飾閣特此保留拒絕接納、張貼或陳列或傳送任何內容之權利。
3 會員或客戶不得引用、傳送、上載或張貼未經版權擁有人授權之內容。 紫飾閣無法控制經由www.purple-golds.com 而張貼之內容,因此不保証有關內容之正確性、完整性或品質,有關會員或客戶,作為內容提供者,必須為引用、上載或張貼有關內容負完全的責任。


1 Member or Customer acknowledges that the content, including but not limited to text, software, music, sound, photographs, video, graphics or other material contained in either sponsor advertisements or electronically distributed, commercially produced information presented to Member or Customer by Membership Services or Retailing Services, Purple-gold’s Advertisers or content providers, is protected by copyrights, trademarks, service marks, patents or other proprietary rights and laws; Member or Customer may make a copy of the content for Member’s or Customer’s sole personal, non-commercial use only, but shall keep all copyright and other proprietary notices intact. Member or Customer may not copy, reproduce, distribute, or create derivative works from the content without expressly being authorized to do so by Purple-gold or the Advertisers or the content provider.
2 Purple-gold claims no ownership or control over any content submitted posted or displayed by Member or Customer on or through www.purple-golds.com. Member or Customer represents and warrants that he has all the rights powers and authority to submit post or display the content (including information data text software music sound photographs video graphics or any other contents) (“the Content”) on or through www.purple-golds.com. Member or Customer and the Third Party (if applicable) retains all intellectual property rights to the Content so submitted, posted or displayed on or through www.purple-golds.com and shall be responsible for protecting those rights. By submitting, posting or displaying the Content on or through www.purple-golds.com which are intended to be available to the other Customers or Members or the public, Member or Customer grants Purple-gold a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty free licence to reproduce publish and distribute the Content on www.purple-golds.com. Purple-gold further reserves its rig
3 Member or Customer shall not without necessary authority or consent quote, transmit, upload, or post any of the Content. Purple-gold cannot control the Content and does not guarantee the accuracy, integrity and quality of the Content. Member or Customer, as the provider of the Content, is to take full responsibility for the Content so quoted uploaded or posted.

16. 法例及管轄的選擇



This Membership or Subscription Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (“Hong Kong").
Member or Customer and Purple-gold agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of courts of Hong Kong. In case there arises discrepancy in Chinese and English versions of the Terms and Conditions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

17. 條款之放棄及分割性



Purple-gold’s failure to exercise or enforce any right or provision of this Membership or Subscription Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision unless acknowledged and agreed to by Purple-gold in writing.
If any provision(s) of this Membership or Subscription Agreement is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, then such provision(s) shall be construed, as much as possible, to give effect to the intentions of the parties as reflected in such provision(s) with the other provisions remaining in full force and effect.

18. 產品更換及退款安排

如客戶對商品有任何疑問,歡迎電郵到applypurple@gmail.com 紫飾閣有閞職員會盡快為客戶解決疑難。客戶可致電6219-6502聯絡紫飾閣職員。


All goods sold by Purple-gold are new with excellent quality assurance. Different web browser or computer screen will show the difference in the page display,the good’s image and color on Purple-gold’s website might not consistent with the real goods. Therefore, all displayed pictures, videos and other merchandise display method for illustration purposes only. If the sale of goods with the description on the website is different,Purple-gold cannot and will not be responsible for them, there will not be a refund arrangements.
Price are subject to the order shown in the day prevail. Prices of all goods are in Hong Kong dollars.
Once Purple-gold receive customer’s order, Purple-gold strive to ship it to customer as quickly as possible. Purple-gold regret that Purple-gold are unable to cancel customer order once it has been placed.
If Customer meet any question about our product,please send an email to applypurple@gmail.com. Purple -gold’s staff will contact the customer as soon as possible.

19. 郵寄服務



The items purchased from our Site are shipped by a third party carrier pursuant to a shipment contract. As a result, risk of loss and title for such items pass to you upon our delivery to the carrier.
Customers need to ensure correct and complete mailing address information for payment, in order to avoid the risk of loss or misdirected mail address appears.
Delivery fee is included in the item’s price .The price customer see listed is equal to the price customer will pay at check out. There are no additional fees or charges levied. Purple-gold do not deliver to PO box addresses. Purple-gold aim to deliver customer’s purchase in 7-14 business days.Arrival time in remote areas may need longer. Purple-gold are unable to redirect orders once items have been dispatched, so please ensure there is someone who can sign for customer’s order at the specified shipping address.

20 私隱政策


1 您的意願



2 收集您的個人資料


o 線上提供個人資料
o 線下提供個人資料

4 收集個人資料的目的

o 評估、核實及管理您的資料(包括處理您的會員登記/申請及允許您參與我們的營銷、推廣優惠及企業活動);
o 執行您的產品或服務訂單(包括維持您在我們網站的購物車內容、處理訂單及付款程序);
o 處理及回應您的查詢、建議或投訴;
o 直接營銷(詳細請參閱下文第6條);
o 進行分析以協助我們進一步了解您的需要及提升我們的服務及產品質素;及
o 任何其他與上述情況直接相關之目的。

5 轉移個人資料



6 保留個人資料


7 直接營銷

我們將不定時使用您的個人資料作直接營銷用途(下稱「直銷活動」),包括(i)推廣我們的產品、服務、活動、競賽、推廣優惠、特別節目及任何其他我們認為相關的資訊,或用作送出免費試用品;(ii) 推廣我們供應商、合作伙伴或第三方服務供應商的產品、服務、活動、競賽、推廣優惠及特別節目;及(iii)進行市場研究及評估。



8 信息保護

在使用我們的網站時,為了保護您的個人資料,我們採用先進的加密技術及安全的伺服器,以確保您的個人資料安全。當您傳送您的訂購資料時,我們的Secure Socket Layer (SSL) 能避免您的資料在傳送時被第三者看到。其他安全措施包括:只有需要使用及進行了培訓的員工能夠查閱個人資料。任何未經授權的查閱將不被允許。

9 Cookies



10 第三方網站


11 查閱及更正您的資料


12 修改本私隱政策


13 聯絡我們

o 電郵:(一般)call@purple-golds.com



We are strongly committed to protecting your privacy. We value the trust that you place in us by providing to us your personal data and we are committed to taking all reasonable precautions to protect your personal data from misuse and keeping it secure by complying with all applicable data protection laws and regulations in Hong Kong, as amended from time to time. We regularly review this Privacy Policy and may revise it from time to time by updating this page. By continuing to use our services after any amendments being made to this Privacy Policy (if any), you are agreeing to the revised Privacy Policy. Please read on for more details on our policies and practices in relation to personal data.

1 Your consent

By using our services and website, you are consenting to our collecting, using and disclosing your personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy. When we collect your personal data, we will provide you with a “personal information collection statement” on or before the collection. If you do not agree to such collection, use and disclosure, please do not use our services or website or otherwise provide us with your personal data.

We will only collect, use or disclose your personal data where it is fair and lawful to do so. In most cases, we will ask for your consent explicitly; however, in some cases, we may infer consent from your actions and behaviour. You are not obliged to provide such consent, but without such consent, our services to you may be limited.

2 Collection of your Personal Data

We may collect your personal data online through our website (www.purple-golds.com) or via other means (including our physical stores, direct marketing or application for use of our services) and use of such personal data will help us add more products and services of interest to you and also to ensure that your shopping experience with us is an enjoyable and a personalized one.

Provision of personal data online

When you register or place an order with us or receive various features or services that we offer online through our website or participate in other online or social media activities, we may collect personal data such as your name, contact details and payment/credit card information, or any other personal data you voluntarily provide to us, as the case maybe.

Provision of personal data offline

When you apply to be a VIP at our physical stores or participate in other services (such as customer services) or marketing activities, we will collect personal data such as your name and contact details, or any other personal data you voluntarily provide to us, as the case maybe.

3 In both cases, we will only collect personal data which we believe to be necessary to fulfill the Purposes (defined hereinbelow). The provision of such personal data is voluntary. However, we may not be able to fulfill the Purposes (defined hereinbelow) and provide services to you if such personal data have not been provided. We may contact you to verify the accuracy of the personal data provided by you and will not retain your personal data longer than necessary to fulfill the Purposes (defined hereinbelow).

4 Purpose of collection

We use the personal data collected from you for the following purposes (“Purposes”):
o assessing, verifying and administering your data (including processing your membership registration/application and allowing you to participate in our marketing, promotional and corporate activities);
o fulfilling your orders for products and services you may make with us (including maintaining your shopping cart on our website, order processing and payment clearing);
o handling and responding to your inquiries, suggestions or complaints;
o direct marketing (please refer to paragraph 6 below for more details);
o conducting analysis to help us better understand you and to improve our services and products; and
o any other purposes directly related to the above.

5 Transfer of personal data

We may disclose or transfer your personal data to our related companies (including our holding companies and/or affiliated companies) or any third party service providers, whether within or outside Hong Kong, as necessary on a need-to-know basis to fulfill any of the Purposes. We may also disclose or transfer your personal data to any other party when we believe such disclosure or transfer is mandatory for legal reasons or where it is necessary to protect our interests (as permitted by law).

We will not disclose or transfer your personal data as stated above unless we have obtained your prior express consent. You may indicate your preference where appropriate or request us to change your preference (without any fees), at any time by contacting our Customer Service Representative in accordance with paragraph 12 hereinbelow. We will comply with all applicable data protection laws and regulations in Hong Kong, as amended from time to time, to safeguard the personal data we disclose or transfer.

6 Retention of personal data

We will retain your personal data for as long as it is necessary to fulfill the Purposes for which the personal data is to be used and erase any of your personal data that we have stored as soon as reasonably practicable, subject to, or where otherwise required by law or permitted by law.

7 Direct marketing

We intend to use your personal data for marketing activities (“Marketing Activities”) from time to time, including (i) marketing our products and services, activities, contests, promotional offers (benefits and privileges), special events and any other information which we think may be of relevance, or sending out free product samples; and (ii) marketing products and services, activities, contests, promotional offers (benefits and privileges) and special events of our vendors, business partners or third party service providers; and (iii) conducting researches and evaluation.

Such Marketing Activities may be provided to you in various methods in accordance with the personal data you provide to us, including advertisement, postal mail, telephone call, email, text or messages on your wireless or mobile device.

We will not use your personal data for Marketing Activities unless we obtain your prior express consent. You may partially or entirely opt-out of receiving information in relation to Marketing Activities by indicating your preference where appropriate or request us to change your preference (without any fees), at any time by contacting our Customer Service Representative in accordance with paragraph 12 hereinbelow.

8 Protection of Information

To protect your personal data while you are using our website, we use sophisticated encryption technology and secured servers to keep your personal data safe. All your ordering information is protected during transmission by using the Secure Sockets Layer, which encrypts the information that you input so that it cannot be read in transit. Other security measures include restricting access to personal data to employees who have a need to use the data and who have been trained to handle such data properly and observe confidentiality. No unauthorized access will be allowed.

9 Cookies

We use cookies to automatically collect information about you when you visit our website (such as the type of the internet browser and operating system you are using and the domain name of your internet service provider). Cookies are small pieces of information that your web browser stores on your computer when you visit a website. Our cookies identify your computer to us and allow us to personalize your shopping experience and recognize you when you return. Information collected from these cookies may be used for the Purposes set out in paragraph 3 hereinabove.

Most browsers automatically accept cookies. You may choose to disable cookies on your computer by changing your browser’s settings. If you disable cookies, you may not be able to use all features and services offered on our website.

10 Websites of third parties

This Privacy Policy only applies to us and our website, but not to any other third parties (including any websites maintained by them). When you click on links and/or ad banners that take you to either third parties’ websites or websites of companies associated with us, you will be subject to the privacy policies of those parties. Whilst we support the protections of privacy on the internet, we do not accept responsibility for any actions taken by third parties outside our web domain.

PayDollar is a leading, secure and reliable international payment service provider to banks and online merchants since 2000. Customers’
payment details are securely transmitted to the acquiring bank, card and payment companies for real-time transaction authorisation using
256-bit Extended Validation Certificates (EV) SSL transaction encryption. PayDollar supports CVV/CVC check as well as 3-D secure
authentication of Visa and MasterCard namely: Verified By VISA, MasterCard SecureCode for added security protection for both customers and merchant.

11 Rights of access and update of personal data

You may check whether we hold any of your personal data and, if so, you may also request access, verify, update or correct, or request a copy of your personal data held by us by contacting our Customer Service Representative in accordance with paragraph 12 hereinbelow. We will verify your identity before handling your request and a reasonable fee may be charged for complying with such request. We endeavour to respond to you within a reasonable time.

12 Changes to our Privacy Policy

We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time by posting the updated version of the Privacy Policy on our website (http://www.purple-golds.com). We encourage you to visit frequently to stay informed of our most updated version.

13 Contract us

If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact our Customer Service Representative:
by e-mail: (General) call@purple-golds.com

This Privacy Policy is written in both English and Chinese. If there is any discrepancies between the two versions, the English version shall prevail.
Date of update: 28 July 2015